indoors - Ceramic

By assembling all these random ideas in one space, I wanted to create a sculpture of the brain in the middle of the creative process. The connections between the tiles are the synapses of the brain, and I wanted to show the chatter of the mind by putting the jumble of the different ideas together - good, bad, silly, light, heavy, dark.

This piece was also a way of crystallising lost ideas and ambitions. You know how friends / lovers etc always say 'let's go here and let's do x' and for whatever reason that plan never comes to be. I wanted to have a piece which caught lost hopes / ideas in time in order to keep them alive and mourn them at the same time.

37 movie ideas

With the Fighters, firstly I wanted to celebrate those legends in that normal pop art way. But I also liked this idea of combining extreme violence with the domesticity of tiles. Tiles are really for the bathroom and kitchen - but to mix that with fighting and those aggressive action figures was to show how at home we are with violence of combat sports / action films. We watch these extreme things while eating our dinner and don't find it strange at all.  


Shunga are such a famous part of the art canon, but always obscured and taboo as sexual matters often are. I still see people recoil when they visit the studio and see these pieces. I think the desire to make something provocative is as old as the subject matter itself!
